Brianne, Ethan, and Sophia

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pepino Melon

The newest of the fruits we've tried lately was a pepino melon. It's about the size of a large mango with pale yellow with purple striped skin and the flesh is a pale cream color. The texture and taste is a mix between a cantaloupe and a honeydew. Ethan really liked it, Sophie and I both tried it and didn't care for it enough to want to eat more or get it again. I love the purple stripes on it.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Here is yesterday's and todays stories. I called a friend who lives close to me, to meet at the park that morning. I then decided that we'd walk to the park and bring the kids sand buckets. If I brought a stroller either both kids want in and there's no room or neither want to ride and I'm pushing an empty stroller. So we walked without a stroller. It took us a long time to get to the park. The kids had a bunch of their tantrums along the way. Ethan and Sophia are both so independent that they hate holding my hand to cross the street and so I have to hold a squirming Sophie under my arm with the buckets and drag a resistant Ethan across all the streets. When we finally get across the main street, Ethan throws his bucket in protest and it breaks. When we finally get to the park I throw his bucket away telling him that, if he didn't throw a tantrum his bucket wouldn't be broken and I wouldn't have to throw it away. Thinking it might teach him a lesson. Or at least hoping it might. Turns out he could of cared less that it was now gone forever. After the park I get home in time to make lunch before Brandon gets home. I started making lunch. Within a few minutes of being occupied from getting back, the kids got into the fridge. Unknowing I go back and check on lunch cooking on the stove. I then hear the kids laughing. I look and what do I see? Sophie has the mustard out and is squirting huge yellow mounds on the coffee table while they dip their fingers in it and eat it. I then look at the floor and all across the living room floor and rug are huge squirts of mustard. It's everywhere!!! Ahhhh!!!! Just a few days ago I had cleaned up the berries, chocolate syrup, and ranch dressing from the carpet and now this. She also had left a big pile of mustard in front of our bedroom door. Why? I just keeping asking myself why? I really feel that I'm the only one who has to deal with all of these kinds of problems on top of the normal ones. Brandon assures me that I'm not, but I really feel like I can't name anyone who has problems like this. Have any of you experienced these types of things? Brandon just tells me no one talks about these things. I on the other hand need to talk and get these things out of my system. I mean everyday it's something for us and it isn't because we aren't attentive watchful parents. Believe me, you have to be sharp and aware with our kids. I wake up this morning and discover sour cream smeared across one of our couch cushions. I wasn't the only one home when Sophie did that one. Yesterday the kids put my cell phone underwater and now it's broken. It's always something. I really do try to be on top of things and keep a close eye on my kids. Just in those few moments when you think things are under control so you move on to doing something else, like making dinner or cleaning the house. That is when things start to get messed up. Purses get dumped, gum gets completely eaten, wallet contents get thrown around, and the house gets trashed within less than 10 minutes. Just enough time to clean the bathroom. I went to the gym yesterday and took the kids to the "play place." They seemed to really enjoy playing with all of the kids there. I'm glad to see them playing better with other kids. They usually are the bullies. If someone bullies them Ethan especially could careless and just plays with them anyways even if they are telling him to go away. My favorite parts of the day from yesterday were: Ethan reading the Star Wars text in the beginning of the movie he watched that day. It sounded like this: "The boy went fast and then the boy raced and going fast and...mumble, it was so fast, mumble, mumble. Hey Mom, I'm a good reader." I filmed the clip of him this morning so he didn't do it as well as last nights "reading." Another highlight of the day was when Ethan, who likes to have me look at him when he's talking pulled my face to look at him. If I'm not making eye contact with him he says, while holding my face and turning it to look at his, "Look at me, look at me. I love you Mommy." And he brushes my check. Sophia is now doing the same thing since she's at the copy cat stage. What also made my day yesterday was seeing Sophie twirling around in her dress. She's getting really good at it. My sweet reward today is when Sophie kept saying Hi to a particular lady every time we saw her up and down the isles. The lady then stopped me and asked how old 'he' was. I told her that 'she' is 2 and Ethan is 3 almost 4. We started talking about her kids and her relatives kids. She was a really nice lady. She then told me to enjoy them now because time flies and then they are all grown up. I thanked her and thought about how people say that a lot and I already feel that it will be like that for me when my kids are all grown. I'll miss all of the messes they make and the sweet moments and funny things they say. I'll miss the hard times too at least I might;) At the check out Ethan turns to the guy bagging the groceries and asks him if he could have a balloon and a candy. Ralph's really spoils them and gives them one almost every time we go. The guy ended up making a balloon for them and was really nice to Ethan, who surprisingly was being very polite. I had them thank him about a dozen times. They had been really good at the store this time but it was only our first stop which they tend to be okay with. Ethan has carried his balloon everywhere with him since he got it. The simple things make his day.
By the way, does anyone have any cleaning tricks for getting mustard out?

My Favorite Part of the Day

I'd thought I'd write about the little things that made my day yesterday.
Last night we had corn on the cob. The kids love it and could eat a ton of it. What made me smile is when the corn was too hot to eat. Ethan suggested that we put it in the frig to cool off. I stuck it in the freezer and later gave it to him. I then asked him if it had cooled off. He's reply "No, it's still hot like a teapot." I love my boy. I also think that when kids eat corn on the cob it is so funny to watch. Last night I sat back enjoying watching my kids eating their corn. It was so cute. Also, Sophie now will tell you her name when you ask.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ice Cream

I got an email from 31 Flavors for a night when they would sell a scoop of ice cream for 31 cents as a fundraiser. I kind of had forgotten about it 'til the night it was suppose to happen. Brandon mentioned how he was going to have ice cream after dinner that night. I then remembered the email I had gotten and it happened to be that night. Perfect! So after dinner we headed over there with our change. With all of our change we had, we were able to get 3 scoops (the limit per person) for each of us. Ethan slept through it so he ate his the next day. Can you guess who's ice cream that is in the picture? And which flavors? I now have a few favorites at 31. It was a fun night. It was on one of the last days of April.

Jicama and Mango

I've always been trying new fruits and vegetables for the kids to try. Since I like many different fruits and vegetables and I like trying new things. I thought it's something we could do together that I think is fun. So this last shopping trip I bought jicama for an add in to our salad and mangoes. The kids were leery about the jicama but I told Ethan it was like an apple and that got him to try it. They like jicama now. I also picked up a bunch of mangoes and Sophie and Ethan love those as well. Now Ethan asks for a mango for a snack almost everyday. Yesterday I was shocked when he ate a whole can of pineapple and the juice all by himself for his snack. I'm glad they like fruits and vegetables. I also grew up being told that if you're hungry and want a snack, to eat a fruit. I agree with this rule and might make it one of my own. I was exposed to a lot of unusual fruits at an early age and so I like a lot of different fruits and veggies. I'm hoping that by me doing the same, my kids will be more adventuress with food and will be healthy eaters.

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Mother's Day

My Mother's Day went a little like this: Brandon had already got me a gift for mother's day a week earlier. We both got a pair of sunglasses and called it our Mother's Day and Father's Day gifts. The morning of Mother's Day I got ready for church at 10. I wanted to be a little early so I could run through the songs I was asked to play. Unfortunately I had lost my song book and had forgotten which songs they told me I would be playing. I didn't get to practice and I could tell. Oh well. I ended up leaving the kids at home with Dad, since they are too wild in sacrament meeting. When I left Brandon was making pull-apart bread with dough I had made the night before. When I got home after church I came home to yummy bread. Thanks love for making me the yummy bread. My favorite part of the day was when Brandon told the kids to tell me Happy Mother's Day and that they loved me. I then decided to take a nap and before I did I said "that this was the best Mother's Day ever." Turns out while I took a nap Brandon also took one on Ethan's bed, with both kids awake and by themselves. When we woke up the house was completely trashed. Every single toy the kids could get their hands on were strewn around the house. The kid's got hungry and were eating shredded cheese they had gotten out of the frig. I guess frig was unlocked from that mornings breakfast. They also got into the freezer ate all of the frozen blueberries and pulled out the blackberries and threw those around the room. Lot's of smashed berries in the carpet. The kids also had stuck crayons in the air purifier filter in their room. Sophie got a hold of Brandon's car cleaning spray and was spraying that around the house. She also unrolled another roll of toilet paper and got it wet. Brandon then decided to go get quarters and milk. He also took a rug we needed to have cleaned to the laundry mat to get washed. I don't blame him at all for leaving. Man I wanted too but, he beat me to it. We scolded the kids and then I began to make dinner. Nothing fancy since I wanted to make something easy, since the kitchen was a mess again from breakfast. We had Pasta Roni with chicken I had already boiled the day before and salad that I already had made a few day's before. After dinner I later sat with the kids holding one in each arm while watching WALL-E. I love my kids. But they really showed me to not take a nap on Mother's Day or any day for that matter. Hope all of you had a Happy Mother's Day.