Brianne, Ethan, and Sophia

Monday, October 26, 2009

So much to catch up on

A lot is happening for us right now. Ethan's in preschool and improving but having behavior issues. I'm slowly working these things out with the teachers help. I know Ethan has a great memory but I think we(the teachers and I) are finding out he might have a comprehension problem. Who knows, but there is a lot to look into. He loves preschool. The kids are really going through a lot of adjusting right now. They are slowly improving. Sophie spends her days while I'm at school playing with her friend Agatha. Agatha is the little girl Ethan hit it off with last Christmas. She's learning Spanish while being watched by her babysitter Rochy (Agatha's Mom) whom she loves. I'm glad I have such good friends. I'm also looking into putting Sophie into preschool. Hopefully soon. I think Sophie would do so well in it. She really loves to learn and she's quick at grasping things. I think by next quarter she'll be in a school.

I'm so proud of myself. I have finally gotten the kids on a sleep schedule and it was easier to do then I thought. I love it. They go to bed around 8-8:30 and are asleep in their own beds by 9. I have a bedtime routine that works and now I can even leave them awake and they stay in bed and fall asleep on their own. Yeah! I'm also going to bed earlier. No more 1 am or 2 am bedtime for me. We get up at 6:30 pretty much every morning so we need to get to bed earlier. Even Saturday's we wake up early as well because of Ethan's soccer. Which by the way he is doing so much better. Last week he played the whole game and was a good sport. He's been getting along with other kids and making new friends. It's good to see.

Last week the kids (I'm almost positive) got the H1N1 virus. Took a week off of school and got them on Tami Flu medicine. It really works. It's a pain to even find let alone get and so expensive but well worth it. Last week was pretty bad. This virus is nasty. They are 100% better and now I don't have to worry about them getting the Swine Flu. They've already had it. Glad I took care of it early though. They could of ended up (especially Sophie) with pneumonia. This virus is scary for the kids 2 and under. Ethan got sick pretty bad too. I caught it quick and took care of it with the doctors. I was more pushier about it this time then I usually am. Usually I just let them wait there colds out but this virus comes on suddenly and hard. It's really is scary. To all parents be careful. It's not like a typical flu. It's more like a serious cold with fever and what it does is attacks the lungs first. Do some research if you think your kids might have it. Doctors aren't really telling you that it's this either. Not sure why. But Sophie had a steroid shot and a breathing treatment which helped her sleep sound that night but she still woke up not breathing and with a nasty cough. Stride is what they labeled it. Never even heard of that. I did notice the urgent care doctor stayed in the corner of the room with his mask on. He must of known. He only touched her to listen with his stethoscope and then went back into the corner. I called her pediatrician and she never even asked for her to come in. She didn't say she had it because you only can be sure after you've been swabbed and then you get the results back 3 weeks later. By then she would of had pneumonia for sure. I let Ethan go to school on Tuesday since he only had a cough and the Urgent Care doctor said it was nothing more than stride. Which I thought is just caused by a common cold. Something just wasn't right. That day I get a call closer to the end of the day. Ethan's sick with a fever just like Sophie was. That day I got their medicine. I ended up having to go to a compound pharmacy to get it too. Because no one is selling this medicine for kids and it's the kids that are needing it the most. I think they are afraid of running out. Who knows. $60 later I have healthy kids again, in less than 5 days.
I got behind in my classes but I'm already pretty much caught up. I'm enjoying school and running around like a crazy lady. I'm loving all of my classes. I have jogging in the morning which wakes me up, Kung Fu kicks my butt, Philosophy makes my mind churn, and my 3D art class makes me crazy. Oh and my voice class is lots of fun. I'm shooting for all A's. The PE classes and voice I know will be A's. I've never gotten less than an A in PE ever. I'll see how the Philosophy and Art class goes.
So this is what's going on with us now. With many many other things too. Who knows when I'll be able to make another post with our crazy schedule. Still can't put up pictures but I'm still taking them. Eventually...


  • At October 29, 2009 at 5:45 AM , Blogger Prolifegirly said...

    been praying for you. Glad the babies and you are back in good health! things will get better for you brianne.

  • At October 30, 2009 at 9:46 AM , Blogger bwyatt said...

    Thanks Samantha. I hope things do get better soon too. I have a few problems that are my main stresses. My kids and school are not it. I handle that well. Straight A's all the way and my kids are so much better with me then they were. They listen better because I'm not being contradicted and they aren't being told to not listen to me. Believe me they give me problems but it's so much easier to deal with.

  • At November 20, 2009 at 8:54 PM , Blogger Megmeg Smash said...

    I am so glad you are kicking ass in school. I honestly, miss it.
    How are you exercising Ethan's comprehension? That is something that is a struggle in every grade, even middle and high school level kids have trouble with it. Hell, I know adults with comprehension problems... but let's not go there.
    My advice, although I'm sure you get enough from his instructors, is to take baby steps and repeat everything. Nothing is too obvious. Well, rarely. LoL. Good luck.

  • At December 6, 2009 at 6:49 PM , Blogger bwyatt said...

    Thanks Meghan. I'm getting him assessed soon to see what I can do to help and I know his teachers want to do what they can to help. I'm lucky he has such great teachers. He's going to be good at his studies. He's just having trouble socially. He's not the greatest at making friends right now. I'm sure he'll learn, he has me as his Mama.
    Since I've had to bring Sophie with me to school multiple times, I've gotten a lot of babysitting offers. She loves the attention she gets that is for sure. Today someone said I should put her in hollywood, not only for her looks, they said, but for her personality. She loves attention.
    My kids are definitely a handful and I totally have earned my motherhood badge. I love my kids! Though honestly sometimes I want to lock myself in the closet and cry. If I did I know they would be the first ones banging on the door and then wanting to comfort me.

  • At May 23, 2010 at 7:10 PM , Blogger flushing the toilet said...

    you are doing so much on your own and doing a great job it is sad that their could be another parent helping out more but laughs at the fact his kid cannot make friends when the teacher tells him this is fact and how he struggles at fine motor skills and comprehension mostly due to the fact he has been told not to respect authority figures or his mom. you have done so much to help him and without you he would have never been able to socialize at school and his problems would have been hidden instead of dealt with being a great parent is being able to recognize there is a problem and asking anyone and everyone who may be able to help to do so also going the extra mile working with frustration and everything else i so see ethan blossoming and being able to come out of his shell socially and recognizing it's not good to be a recluse when he turns out to be successful he has only you to thank

  • At May 23, 2010 at 7:11 PM , Blogger flushing the toilet said...

    update the blog more :) your kids always are dressed so cute and are always so well kept when you have them


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