Brianne, Ethan, and Sophia

Friday, March 20, 2009


It's been a while (for me) since I've posted anything. It's been a month! The night I made the last post I lost the memory card for our camera. I couldn't find it since it was too dark and so I thought, I'd find it in the morning. By the time I thought about it the next morning DeeDee had found it and chewed it up. So I just haven't been taking any pictures.
Let see... What's new. Brandon finally finished this quarter and has two weeks off before he starts back again with almost the same schedule. Busy. Busy.
I need to go back to school. I've been wanting to for a while. With only 21 units left and all electives, I can easily finish by taking a class here and there. I have a couple of friends who are very encouraging and have offered to watch the kids while I go back. I also need something for me and the kids love my friends. It will be so much fun to get back into art again. Hopefully it will work out. I'm thinking in the fall. I can get a break and the kids can also get a break from Mom.
Lately I've been busy with the kids. We go to the parks, on walks, to the grocery store, somewhere we always try to get out everyday. If not all day. Ethan loves to go shopping at Ralph's since they have a shopping cart for him to push around. He does well with it but gets a little crazy. I just have to calm him down and then he's fine. Not so much at the other stores though. He takes off running or won't sit down in the basket. Not at all safe. I might need to bring our little red cart my sister Cora got for him, to the other stores. It really seems to help. Sophie will also give me a hard time, since she can always shimmy her way out of the seat belt. She's so tiny that even if I adjust it to the tightest setting she still can slip out. Shopping has not been pleasant. I'm sure that everyone wants me out of the store (including me) when they start screaming at the top of their lungs. I tell them and make them sit down and they'll scream so loud at me. I don't know what to do. I need to look for disciplining actions I can take when they do this. I just quickly finish my shopping and leave as fast as I can. Of course I give them the "you better stop it" look and tell them to stop. But they totally ignore me. I've tried distractions with sticker but they quickly get bored. I've also tried games for them to find me colors or letters but after a little while they again get bored. I've tried paper and a pen to draw pictures, that doesn't work either. I try to get them involved by picking out the vegetables and fruit. Doesn't turn out very good. I can't think of a toy that they can bring and play with that would help. Now I know why I see kids with Gameboys at young ages. I think that would appeal to Ethan, but I really don't want that. I'm not sure what to do. I've tried threats and usually try to follow through and rewards. Nada. Any suggestions besides stay home and hide away? Again some days are better then others.
The other day I let Sophie take her baby and her stroller on our walk to the park and she also did pretty well. Ethan pushed her baby on the way back. My kids have always been pretty independent but they seem to be more then ever now, especially Ethan. If I try to hold his hand he pulls away and says "That's my hand Mommy." He wants to open every door by himself and so on. I have to shut it just so he can do it. I do encourage this by telling them "you can do it." With that they almost always prove to me they can. It's hard to now, let them know they need my help for things like crossing the street or staying by me. Another thing, my kids are pretty fearless. Which is a good thing in some instances but in others it's not good at all. This is where I have a problem. I try my best to teach them and explain what might happen. Still that fear or understanding is not there. Parenting is so much more complex then I thought. You think you're doing the right thing and then it comes back that maybe you over did it. So much to think about and everyone has different opinions.
So let see whats new... Ethan and Sophie got a haircut. My first try at cutting hair (besides my own) is Ethan's and then I decided to cut Sophie's after she woke up from her nap.
Ethan's Before and After

Sophia's Before and After

And her being a ham. Saying "Cheese" with a very cheesy grin.
I don't think I did that bad of a job and with a really wiggly kid. I think they both might need touch ups. Either from me or a professional. I had Ethan look in the mirror after and he got shy. But the next day he was excited to show and tell, his friend Wyatt about his "cool hair". The picture of Sophie was taken after she napped on it, so its matted.